Vernunft Avantgarde Land Welt Wind
The artist group PaulSchwarzLopez in Valencia, Spain from 14 of June to 22 of June 2012.
One of the main concepts for exhibitions of PaulSchwarzLopez is, that a theme is decided for a show and each artist works by herself towards this theme.
For the exhibition in La Mutante PaulSchwarzLopez agreed to develop travel diaries. Katrin Paul and Antonia Schwarz are making work while in Valencia, Lopez in Karlsruhe. Lopez work is send via Internet to Paul and Schwarz. They will take care of the printing and the display of Lopez work in Valencia.
Katrin Paul developed two works during her stay in Valencia. For one, Vernunft Avantgarde Land Welt Wind, she used major daily newspapers of Spain. Since she cannot understand the contents, she can only work with the names/titles of the newspapers.
In an Internet search all titles where searched at once and at the first glance quite poetic sentences conglomerated, at the second glance they reveal their randomness.
The artist group PaulSchwarzLopez in Valencia, Spain from 14 of June to 22 of June 2012.
One of the main concepts for exhibitions of PaulSchwarzLopez is, that a theme is decided for a show and each artist works by herself towards this theme.
For the exhibition in La Mutante PaulSchwarzLopez agreed to develop travel diaries. Katrin Paul and Antonia Schwarz are making work while in Valencia, Lopez in Karlsruhe. Lopez work is send via Internet to Paul and Schwarz. They will take care of the printing and the display of Lopez work in Valencia.
Katrin Paul developed two works during her stay in Valencia. For one, Vernunft Avantgarde Land Welt Wind, she used major daily newspapers of Spain. Since she cannot understand the contents, she can only work with the names/titles of the newspapers.
In an Internet search all titles where searched at once and at the first glance quite poetic sentences conglomerated, at the second glance they reveal their randomness.